Genetic testing information is increasingly being used to inform oncology care, for those who are newly diagnosed to those in need of targeted therapy for an advanced cancer. Even large programs with multiple genetics providers sometimes struggle to meet the demand for these services. Alternative service delivery models can extend the reach of genetic counseling professionals, while increasing timely access to this critical information. Examples of ways to increase access to genetic services will be presented, along with outcomes from the OPT-In study, using video and chatbot education for patients with advanced breast and ovarian cancer.
Level of Instruction: Basic

Only the live session qualifies for CEUs but when possible, we host the recordings on our website and NSGC recommends participants to use their personal email instead of work email addresses to ensure they receive their CEU certificates.

Ambry Genetics is approved as a provider for continuing education program by NSGC and ASCLS P.A.C.E ® Program.