Numerous diversity, equity, inclusion and justice (DEIJ) initiatives in place in the genetic counseling profession focus primarily on increasing workforce diversity and representation. At the same time, barriers and issues around inclusion and justice for students and our colleagues persist and require our attention. Genetic counselors have both an individual and collective responsibility to improve our culture and thus the services we provide to patients and society. We will review emerging topics in DEIJ in genetic counseling, including the use of race/ethnicity/ancestry information, inclusion and retention of LGBTQ+ and disabled voices, experiences of students in training programs, and more, with a focus on the urgency of addressing these issues to ensure that our patients from all backgrounds and communities have equitable and just access to new genomic technologies.
Level of Instruction: Intermediate

Only the live session qualifies for CEUs but when possible, we host the recordings on our website and NSGC recommends participants to use their personal email instead of work email addresses to ensure they receive their CEU certificates.

Ambry Genetics is approved as a provider for continuing education program by NSGC and ASCLS P.A.C.E ® Program.