Each attendant will hear a firsthand parent account of their diagnosis experience when they learned that their son had Down Syndrome. That experience led them to start Hope Story, a non-profit dedicated to helping physicians, midwives, genetic counselors, and any other medical professional involved in an initial Down Syndrome diagnosis experience to have the communication skills and resources needed to relay this information with accuracy and compassion. They will then hear from a Maternal Fetal Medicine physician who has seen the benefit of the community connection that Hopestory.org has provided for her patients. She will discuss a communication framework that has also been endorsed in the literature as being optimally beneficial for these families at the time of their diagnosis conversation.
Level of Instruction: Basic

Only the live session qualifies for CEUs but when possible, we host the recordings on our website and NSGC recommends participants to use their personal email instead of work email addresses to ensure they receive their CEU certificates.

Ambry Genetics is approved as a provider for continuing education program by NSGC and ASCLS P.A.C.E ® Program.