This webinar will explore the historical timeline of gene-disease validity (GDV) curation, describing the development and refinement of GDV frameworks over time as knowledge about genetic variation in human disease has evolved. We will review the use of a GDV framework in a commercial laboratory that has been adapted to curate genes associated with common and/or lower penetrance diseases such as hereditary cancer. Trends in how GDV scores change over time and the impact of these changes on clinical utility will be examined, with specific gene examples to illustrate these concepts.
Level of Instruction: Intermediate

Only the live session qualifies for CEUs but when possible, we host the recordings on our website and NSGC recommends participants to use their personal email instead of work email addresses to ensure they receive their CEU certificates.

Ambry Genetics is approved as a provider for continuing education program by NSGC and ASCLS P.A.C.E ® Program.