For most of humanity’s existence, we had only one way to make babies. The last century or so have seen the beginnings of change, with artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and prenatal and preimplantation genetic testing. The rest of this century will see astonishing changes, made both possible and attractive by genomics – from embryo selection to embryo editing, from mitochondrial transfer to human reproductive cloning, to in vitro gametogenesis, and beyond. This talk will survey those changes and point out some of their likely ethical, legal, and social implications.

Only the live session qualifies for CEUs but when possible, we host the recordings on our website and NSGC recommends participants to use their personal email instead of work email addresses to ensure they receive their CEU certificates.

Ambry Genetics is approved as a provider for continuing education program by NSGC and ASCLS P.A.C.E ® Program.