
The Ashkenazi Jewish Carrier Screening Panel: Evolution, Status Quo, and Disparaties



Although prenatal/preconception carrier screening recommendations for individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent (AJ) were published by American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (2008) and American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2009), scientific advances have led to widely varied screening panels. Mutation carrier frequencies are sometimes based on small, homogeneous AJ populations. This study sought to update the state of AJ screening for the obstetrician by assessing laboratory screening panel compositions as well as assessing literature and laboratory carrier frequencies for common AJ mutations.


A literature review (1991-2013) was performed for AJ disease carrier frequencies. AJ screening data from six screening laboratories were collected. AJ panel composition was compared across 16 commercial and academic laboratories.


Overall literature and laboratory carrier frequencies of AJ mutations were similar, although the Walker-Warburg syndrome laboratory carrier frequency was almost twice that in the literature. Laboratory AJ disease panel composition varied widely, from 8 to 25 diseases.


Current AJ panels vary widely by laboratory, resulting in disparate levels of screening. Consideration of an updated professional standard for prenatal/preconception AJ screening based on carrier frequency rates, level of disease burden, availability of screening, and cost of technology may be useful in providing equitable and appropriate care for those planning a pregnancy.

  • Authors: Jodi D. Hoffman; Jessica J. Park; Nicole Schreiber-Agus; Ruth Kornreich; Alice K. Tanner; Steven Keiles; Kenneth J. Friedman; Ruth A. Heim
  • Journal: Prenatal diagnosis
  • Date: 2014 - Jan

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