Family Communication (FC) of Test Results among an Unselected Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PC) Cohort who Underwent Germline Genetic Testing
Patients diagnosed with pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PC) who have a positive MGPT result are very likely to share their test result with close relatives.
Close relatives of patients with a positive genetic test underwent targeted testing.
Family communication and cascade testing in PC may be challenging due to the poor survival rates in these patients.
Authors: Lindsey Stobie; Eve Karloski; Arlene Colvin; Cynthia Lim; Mary Linton Peters; Jill Krejdovsky; Kim DeLeonardis; Melissa Luna; Arthur J Moser; Kyle Allen; Virginia Speare; Jill Dolinsky; Erkut Borazanci; Nadine Tung; Randall Brand; Beth Dudley