Automation for Agilent Microarray-Based Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) Assays: A CostEffective Approach to Increased Sample Throughput and Reliability
Implementation of automation allows for increased sample integrity, permits run-time data capture and allows for sample tracking capabilities to provide real time processing status through LIMS integration.
Manual vs. automated sample processing show run to run consistency and comparable quality control data, such as DLRS and signal to noise ratio.
Combined application of automation and assay miniaturization result in increased per run sample throughput, as well as, a total decreased assay cost of 55% with respect to manual aCGH processing.
Authors: Emily Greene; Christian Chua; Fernando Valdez; Navanjot Batth; Jose Gonzalez; Aarani Arulmoli; Aaron Campbell; Jacqueline Caesar-Bennett; Joy Crandall